Panel and paper proposals
Panel and paper proposals shoud be sent to to the conference organisers at basas2017 [at] nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk (basas2017[at]nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk) before 30 November 2016. Please provide full contact details (mailing and emailing addresses) for your paper and/or for each member of your panel.
Note on panel proposals: Panel proposals are to be accompanied by individual paper abstracts for each of the proposed panel members (100-150 words). The panel organiser(s) should also arrange for a chair (who can be a panellist). Please note: Incomplete panel proposals will not be accepted. Panel organisers are expected to have confirmed speakers and chair prior to submitting. The conference organisers may seek to add additional individual papers to accepted papers, in discussion with panel organisers.
Funding: There will be a limited number of bursaries to the value of £50 available to students and unwaged participants. Those who wish to be considered for these bursaries should include a covering note in support of their request, detailing any additional institutional support for conference participation for which they may be eligible. This must be submitted by the deadline of 30 November 2016.
Registration will open in January 2017. Registration deadline: 15 March 2017 Please note that you must be a BASAS member in order to register for the conference. To become a member, visit
Conference organisers are Professor Katharine Adeney, Dr Onni Gust, Dr Kathryn Lum, Dr Diego Maiorano, Dr Humaira Saeed, and Dr Nicole Thiara.
BASAS paper prize for graduate students
An award of £250 will be made for the best paper presented at the Annual Conference. Entries should be no longer than 7000 words and submitted no later than 15 March 2017 to the conference organisers at basas2017 [at] nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk (basas2017[at]nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk). A panel of judges comprising the conference organisers and council members will make the final decision based on the paper and the presentation. The winning paper may be considered for publication in one of BASAS's associated journals, Contemporary South Asia or South Asian Studies.
Visas: Delegates requiring visas must register to attend the conference before a visa letter can be issued from the conference organisers. If you require a visa please contact basas2017 [at] nottingham [dot] ac [dot] uk (basas2017[at]nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk) including a copy of your registration receipt, which should feature your name and address. Please also note your Nationality and your Passport Number. A personalised PDF Visa letter will be emailed to you promptly.