Project for Nordic-India Relationship (PNIR)

Cooperation between the Nordic region and India is expanding and deepening. Government, industry and people-to-people connections are wide-ranging. With expanding connections follows a greater need to understand one another’s past, present - and possible futures - when shaping policy and strategy.
The Project for Nordic-India Relations (PNIR) is a public-private partnership born out of an identified need for research-based dialogue and analysis to enhance Nordic-India partnerships. PNIR facilitates public and closed conversations, produces analysis, and offers strategic advice on four broad themes relevant to Nordic-India partnerships.
- Economic cooperation and trade
- Energy and the green transition
- Innovation, emerging technologies and supporting eco-systems
- Security, defence, and foreign policy
PNIR is a cooperation partner of SASNET, and is part of the Asia programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). The project builds on close collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi.
Do you have questions about PNIR, please contact:
Henrik Chetan Aspengren
Senior Analyst and Lead, Project for Nordic-India Relations: henrik [dot] aspengren [at] ui [dot] se

Project for Nordic-India Relationship
Find more information about PNIR on the website of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI).

The Asia Programme
Read more about the Asia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI).

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
Read more about ORF here.