A total number of 27 applications for SASNET planning grants were received.Total amount applied for was 2.36 Million SEK. Decisions were taken on 26 August 2003. SEK 455 000 were distributed.
Planning grants for research programmes/projects
- Olof Olsson, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Göteborg University. ”Development of Stress tolerant Rice Cultivars for Nepal.” 70 000 SEK
- Ravinder Pal Singh, Centre for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS), Stockholm University. ”Security Sector Governance in Southern Asia: a case study of Indian Parliamentary Oversight of Security Sector.” 40 000 SEK
- Bo Lindblad, Department of Public Health, Division of International Health, Karolinska Institutet Medical University. ”Pregnancy and Infancy in South Asia (PISA).” 90 000 SEK
- Jan Magnusson, School of Social Work, Lund University. ”The Baltistan Movement in the Northern Areas, Pakistan.” 70 000 SEK
- Ashok Kumar, Department of Biotechnology, Lund University. ”Low-cost Protein Bioseparation Technology – A Realistic Option for the Bioindustry of Developing Countries.” 40 000 SEK
- Alia Ahmad, Department of Economics, Lund University: “Institutional Reforms in the Health Sector of Bangladesh and India.” 45 000 SEK
- Lars Åke Persson, International Maternal and Child Health (IMCH), Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University. ”Network for Interventions against Maternal-Child Malnutrition in South Asia.” 25 000 SEK
Planning grants for educational projects
- Neelambar Hatti, Dept of Economic History, Lund University. ”The Masters Program in Asian Studies in Lund: Networking for alternative options to ISEC.” 25 000 SEK
- Kjell Nilsson, Department of Sociology, Lund University. ”Globalisation and Transformation in a Comparative Perspective – a Masters Course on the Internet.” 50 000 SEK